Notice under The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012




On 14 October 2024 the County Council intends to hold a meeting of Lead Member for Transport and Environment where the following item will be considered: Proposal for East Sussex Parking Charges in Rother District.


The purpose of the item is:

To consider the proposal to align Rother District’s permit structure and tariffs to those currently being used in Eastbourne Borough and Lewes District. Introducing tariffs based on vehicle emissions, with higher emitting vehicles being charged more for permits than those producing less emissions. To consider the proposed increase of pay and display charges by 45% in Rother District to encourage alternative travel modes.


Under the requirements of Regulation 9 of The Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2021, the Council is required to give 28 days’ notice of a key decision identified within the scope of these regulations.


It is considered that the item referred to above would be a key decision and for the reasons of urgency set out below, compliance is considered impracticable, and an exception to Regulation 9 is therefore sought under Regulation 10 of the above Regulations. It is considered impracticable to comply with the requirements of The Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2021 because:


Delaying a decision and deferring to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment meeting in November means there is a risk of being unable to implement any decision until after the start of the calendar year.


Accordingly, a copy of this notice shall be available pursuant to Regulation 5(6) for at least 5 clear days prior to 14 October 2024.


Date: 18 September 2024







On [insert meeting date] *DELETE ONE OF THE NEXT TWO SENTENCES AS APPROPRIATE*the County Council intends to hold a meeting of FIELD_DMTITLE where the following item will be considered: FIELD_TITLE. The FIELD_DMTITLE will consider the following item: FIELD_TITLE.


The purpose of the item is:

[insert description of decision]


Under the requirements of Regulation 9 of The Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2021, the Council is required to give 28 days’ notice of a key decision identified within the scope of these regulations.


It is considered that the item referred to above would be a key decision and for the reasons of urgency set out below, compliance is considered impracticable, and an exception to Regulation 9 is therefore sought under Regulation 10 of the above Regulations. It is considered impracticable to comply with the requirements of The Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2021 because:.


[insert reason as to why the decision cannot reasonably be deferred]


Accordingly, a copy of this notice shall be available pursuant to Regulation 5(6) for at least 5 clear days prior to [insert date of decision]


Date: [insert date of publishing this notice]